pinterest marketing

Ultimate Pinterest Marketing For Business Growth

Pinterest is a widely and wildly popular social media app that revolves around imagery appeal. 

It is basically an image-sharing and social media service that helps internet users to discover information through images.


With almost 459 million monthly active users, Pinterest is an aesthetic way to attract your customers. Studies show that 87% of its users have purchased at least one product because of Pinterest and 97% of them plan to do a future purchase. If you’re still thinking about whether you should invest your time in Pinterest,  you are missing out on a lot. 


However, every platform follows its set of dos and don’ts. Therefore in this blog, we are going to discuss the six practical steps that will help you get traffic, leads, and conversions.


Pinterest Marketing Tips That You Can Use For Your Business 

Understand if Pinterest works for your niche 

Being present on every social media platform will not bring you conversion. Instead, being present where your target customers will work wonders for you. If you own a stationery shop that operates its shop in just one city, Pinterest is not the place for you. Or even if you want to promote the products that mainly target men, Pinterest will not work for you, as the platform is still dominated by the majority of women. You need to do quick and profound research if pinterest works for a niche. 

Complete Your Profile First 

Once you have evaluated whether Pinterest is a good fit for your business or not,

you have to be fully aware of its initial and function. To move with Pinterest marketing, you must create a business on account of the platform. You should never use a personal account to drive traffic to any website. As this is against the terms and conditions of Pinterest. 


Before jumping on the bandwagon of Pinterest marketing, complete your profile first. 

A complete profile will let your visitors know about your business properly before you expect them to invest in you. 


Creating Pin Boards that are SEO friendly 

The Pinterest accounts consist of boards and each board is a collection of pins that are relevant to your niche. Whenever you make a board, it must consist of titles and descriptions that are SEO-friendly. Your board title must be relevant to what you already have or planning to have on your website. 


Design The Content For the Platform 

The biggest stress of the online marketers earlier was that they had to design vertical content for this platform. However, in recent years the number of mobile internet users has increased a lot. Therefore creating vertical from visual content is not a task anymore. 


Now, you can also use this content across all social media platforms including Pinterest. 

The best pin size recommended by Pinterest is 1000 x 1500 pixels. 

Another type of pin is a video pin. However, these video pins should be about 5-15 seconds.

Video pins do not get as many clicks, which is why it is recommended to stick with Picture pins. 


Embed Pinterest Board On Website 

If you have a website and you are struggling to dominate the metrics on your website and Pinterest, embedding Pinterest pins on website will help you achieve the desired metrics. 

You can embed Pinterest boards using social media aggregator tools, as they will help you to create an aesthetically eye-pleasing widget for your website. An engaging widget will enable the visitors to spend a longer time on your website. This will also help you reduce the bounce rate of your website as the visitors will have enough content for them to scroll through. 

Practice Patience 

Pinterest is not for impatient marketers. If you’re thinking of simply creating a Pinterest board, and going viral in just a week, then my friend Pinterest is not your cup of tea. Pinterest does not work like TikTok or Instagram reels. It requires proper strategy and patience and eventually, you will reap the benefits of your patience. Checking your pin boards twice a day will not bombard your account with likes and shares. You can still do that if you want some drama and stress in your life. 

If possible, post pin boards and try to forget about them for a month or so. Let the algorithm do its job and you’ll see your traffic going up. 


Why use Pinterest for business?

  • Large user base
  • Pictorial representation has great retention 
  • Brand exposure
  • Market your products in fewer words and gain more impact
  • Gets you inbound leads
  • User engagement is high 


Pinterest marketing is a crucial part of brand building. It can literally dictate how your brand looks to your customers. 


If you are looking for a quick and effective DIY to fix your brand-building strategy, embedding Pinterest to your website is a great way to achieve that.