How Students with Learning Disability Can Perform Well in High School?

High school students who don’t have learning disabilities may take things for granted and see that everything is pretty much the same for everyone. In reality, some students need to deal with unique challenges and each subject can be a huge challenge for them. In high school students need to spend time between 8AM and 3PM to understand major subjects. Each class can be between one to three hours long. If you have learning disability, even a 30-minute session can be quite challenging. Mental fatigue will set in and students will perform poorly. The problem can become worse when we consider that students need to do homework almost every day and it’s difficult to do if students continue to play catch up in terms of information comprehension.

In high school, students need to spend about 30 hours each week for studying in class. For students with learning disability, this is an enormous burden to handle. New high school students may need a different version of textbook that delivers information in a more comprehensible manner, without reducing any of the content. As an example, these books may have small notes or highlighted details, so these students understand about the basic concept of a topic. Some books also come with a DVD, which provide students with additional information in video, audio and image formats. YouTube is also an excellent learning tool for many students. The video sharing service now provides millions of videos of different topics.

Many things are covered in YouTube. As an example, students who struggle with biology may learn about bird physiology, inner workings of leaves and other topics in YouTube. Children with learning disability often can absorb information better through videos and images. Parents and teachers need to work together to collect source of information that children can understand better, if they have learning disability. Things are also more difficult in high school for these students, because they are asked to be less literal and more interpretative than middle school students. Projects and papers require good grasp on knowledge and time management. When students struggle to catch up, it can be tempting to skip homework.

Once students are lagging behind, they will struggle even more to achieve higher performance. Students with learning disability should be active in looking for the best way for them to learn. As an example, it will be nearly impossible for them to perform well, if they seek to try learning everything in a short period of time. They can’t cram information quickly and it’s better for them to learning things in a more manageable chunk, depending on their conditions. If they follow the learning style of other students, they could end up doing poorly, which will be quite distressing for them. It is unfortunate that students with learning disability don’t have as many choices compared to other students, but things can be manageable if parents and teachers are prepared to deal with common challenges. When these children encounter problems, there should be an adult, who is specially assigned to help. Eventually, students with disability problems will need extra help and you need to make sure that the help is available.